Does your archive room look like this?
Well, you’re not alone. Archive rooms like this exist across all business types and sizes. They take up valuable space and resources not to mention the dreaded thought of ever having to retrieve any information from one of those boxes! What if we told you we can solve all these headaches in 3 easy steps?
Keep the important stuff
Shredding is the easiest and most responsible way to deal with business records, but before we get to that you need to ascertain what has to be kept. All businesses vary depending on type and size of the business, the industry you are in and contract obligations. To ascertain exactly what you must keep and for how long visit and Australian Privacy Principles . However the following obligations generally apply;
- All business records – 7 years
- All financial records – 7 years
- Employee records – 7 years or indefinitely
- Safety records - indefinitely
Store it offsite
Once you have ascertained what can be sent for shredding and what has to be kept, you are still going to have a fair amount of records to file and keep. Another great rule of thumb is to only keep 2 years of records handy and archive everything else.
So you now have your “indefinite” records and everything older than 2 years sorted and ready to be stored. Instead of taking up your business's valuable floor space you can also consider storing this offsite. Did you know that Sydney commercial rent can be upwards of $100 per m2? How many metres of floor space are your archives taking up and is that space that could be better utilised to generate income for your business? Well at Cut 2 Shreds we also over an archive storage service, which is fully secured and monitored. Contact us here to find out more.
Shred the rest
And then comes the easy part – shred the rest! At Cut2Shreds our shredding service can make short work of your archive documents no matter the volume. We will shred everything from 1 archive box all the way through to 1000’s of archive boxes. We have experience undertaking shredding services to a number of local businesses including doctors, schools, accountants and tradesman. To view the full range of our shredding services visit our website.
So there it is, as easy as 1, 2, 3 – sort it, store it, shred it. No more archive room nightmares!
To discuss your shredding needs contact us on 02 9607 6159 or visit our website for more information
Nicole Bruce is the General Manager of Hoxton Industries. She has over 7 years’ experience in secure document shredding.