Thursday, March 10, 2016
What is Kitting?
Specialised Security Shredding
Federally mandated Privacy Legislation requires businesses to destroy sensitive data rather than simply discard information. The privacy laws present organisations with an obligation and responsibility to dispose of sensitive data without improper disclosure. Organisations are vulnerable to litigation when personal records are not properly maintained and destroyed.
Paper VS Digital
Studies in 2015 show 1 in 5 breaches are still in fact paper, with 73% in house shredding. So Specialised security shredding is being neglected. Paper recycling is a service offered to those organisations that have non-sensitive office waste paper and are conscientious about the environmentally friendly removal of this product. All clean office waste paper collected is transported to our manufacturing plant for processing and recycling, but always recommend specialised security destruction.
Friday, March 4, 2016
Sydney’s Packaging Headaches.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
3 Big guns lead the way with Sustainable Packaging?
Who is leading the way? Coca-Cola, Nestle and Nike set in collaboration together aimed at setting standards for the guiding and developing of plant-based plastics derived from feedstocks like corn and sugarcane in 2013. Bio-based plastics and product manufacturing trends show a lot of potential. While I’m excited to see where the growth of bioplastics, where will it end up taking us, I also hope leaders in the sustainable packaging world agree with my concerns moving forward through 2016.

This may help prove that our dependence on petroleum-derived plastics, that it isn’t as hard-set as we once thought. We have a few of these facilities that are even equipped to process these bioplastics. Biodegradable and supposedly compostable plastics often have to be processed in an industrial facility to fully decompose. So who will step up and help us save what is most important. Is Sustainable packaging and Bio based plastics here to stay for good?

Lightweight packaging The benefits of lightweight packaging seem clear enough: reduced material and manufacturing costs reduced environmental impacts from transportation and potentially less waste bound for landfills. Retail giants are reducing consumables consistently. Consumers see this as paying more for fewer products….. Are these giants really trying to save us or just pocketing more money into the bank? Sustainable Packaging has to be on the number 1 priority moving forward to help us save the environment, lives and dollars.

Author: George Boutros, Marketing and Business Development at Hoxton Industries. Caring about what tomorrow will bring us in sustainable packaging.