Tuesday, September 27, 2016
What Local Sydney Packaging Can Offer You
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Going Shelf Ready!
Monday, August 1, 2016
3 Benefits of Co packaging in Sydney
What is Co Packaging?
A contract packer, or co-packer, is a company that manufactures and packages products for their clients. A co-packer is similar to a Contract packaging services Sydney manufacturer in other industries, such as retail automotive, or hardware. Co-packing is commonly used when the producing company doesn't have the packing capacity, machinery, knowledge etc. Co packers specialise in different areas, depending on whether they are handling primary, secondary material or even warehousing.
Primary packaging deals with the first layer of packaging that directly contacts the product. Secondary packaging refers to the next layer of packaging or the packaging used to group various pre-packaged products together. This can be multiple tasks that is typically used for the purposes of branding and display. Secondary co-packing can also bundle or group products together in a new configuration (multi-pack, etc.) for ease of shipping or storing.
So your business is booming and you are limited on time, resources and at a dead end. You are concerned about marketing, staffing, logistics, and all other cost’s and what direction to go in. A company like Hoxton Industries can ease all these stresses away. Putting that much trust into a team can be a frightening experience. And a relationship you don’t want to jeopardise. But when it flows right you will kick yourself for not doing it earlier. Hoxton have over 40 years of experience in the co packaging services in Sydney.
You don’t need large equipment costs or trouble yourself with staffing as these are already taken care of. Going with a co-packer services in Sydney allows you to focus on selling and building a brand. If your brand is planning to extend into many varieties of products that require a similar process, the investment in partnering with a co packer will be manageable and you will have the ability to bring new products to market very quickly and relatively inexpensively. You will dictate the terms and lead times, maximising productivity, costing and structure. This model is more attractive to help free up valuable time to concentrate on keeping the company well established in marketing and other channels, not to mention the headaches.
That’s the easy part. Pick up the phone or jump online to see how Hoxton can help. Co packaging in Sydney has never been so easy with the experts like Hoxton. Employing people with disability and held in high regards with most of the large retailers, hardware and the community. Call them today on (02)607 6159 or go online at http://hoxtonindustries.com.au/
Author: George Boutros Co-packing in Sydney has never looked so easy.
Monday, June 6, 2016
Retail packaging’s Appeal sells!
Why? It is often seen as an “upsell”, have you gone to your fast food outlet and just ordered 1 item? Or did you buy the Fries and coke in the value meal? Pizza without garlic bread and drink…. I think not. These retail package deals show value for money whilst increasing the average dollar spend. What this tells manufactures if they don’t kit they will be left behind. Retail packaging most often than not, sells the item inside as it grabs the consumer’s eye.
The term “kitting” or “retail packaging” is order fulfilment jargon for preassembly of individual items into ready-to-ship kits instead of picking and packing those individual items as orders are received. If you ship similar orders in quantity, the savings potential of fulfilment kitting can be huge. These options are endless. We have all seen them in our supermarkets, Hardware stores and in all retail outlets. When you buy a mixed box of soft drinks, or a box set of books, or a tool box with all the tools you need and even a mixed shampoo conditioner these are all examples of kitting.
Who can help me with my retail packaging headaches?
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Shelf ready packaging is growing in Australia
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Benefits of Kitting to the Retailer
Author: George Boutros from Hoxton Industries; Looking after all Sydney’s kitting’s headaches.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
What is Kitting?
Specialised Security Shredding
Federally mandated Privacy Legislation requires businesses to destroy sensitive data rather than simply discard information. The privacy laws present organisations with an obligation and responsibility to dispose of sensitive data without improper disclosure. Organisations are vulnerable to litigation when personal records are not properly maintained and destroyed.
Paper VS Digital
Studies in 2015 show 1 in 5 breaches are still in fact paper, with 73% in house shredding. So Specialised security shredding is being neglected. Paper recycling is a service offered to those organisations that have non-sensitive office waste paper and are conscientious about the environmentally friendly removal of this product. All clean office waste paper collected is transported to our manufacturing plant for processing and recycling, but always recommend specialised security destruction.
Friday, March 4, 2016
Sydney’s Packaging Headaches.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
3 Big guns lead the way with Sustainable Packaging?
Who is leading the way? Coca-Cola, Nestle and Nike set in collaboration together aimed at setting standards for the guiding and developing of plant-based plastics derived from feedstocks like corn and sugarcane in 2013. Bio-based plastics and product manufacturing trends show a lot of potential. While I’m excited to see where the growth of bioplastics, where will it end up taking us, I also hope leaders in the sustainable packaging world agree with my concerns moving forward through 2016.

This may help prove that our dependence on petroleum-derived plastics, that it isn’t as hard-set as we once thought. We have a few of these facilities that are even equipped to process these bioplastics. Biodegradable and supposedly compostable plastics often have to be processed in an industrial facility to fully decompose. So who will step up and help us save what is most important. Is Sustainable packaging and Bio based plastics here to stay for good?

Lightweight packaging The benefits of lightweight packaging seem clear enough: reduced material and manufacturing costs reduced environmental impacts from transportation and potentially less waste bound for landfills. Retail giants are reducing consumables consistently. Consumers see this as paying more for fewer products….. Are these giants really trying to save us or just pocketing more money into the bank? Sustainable Packaging has to be on the number 1 priority moving forward to help us save the environment, lives and dollars.

Author: George Boutros, Marketing and Business Development at Hoxton Industries. Caring about what tomorrow will bring us in sustainable packaging.
Friday, February 5, 2016
Is Secure Paper destruction Over?
Fines, reputation damage and loss of sales could cost your business millions. It seems that all you hear about these days is the risk of cyber data breaches. But the paperless office has yet to come, and there’s still a lot of sensitive information on paper in the workplace. Studies in 2015 show 1 in 5 breaches are still in fact paper, with 73% in house shredding. With companies that lack document security policies, employees lack direction and commitment for protecting confidential data. Tossing confidential data into open bins increases the risk of theft by information thieves – in and outside of the workplace. Shredding paper in house is not a reliable solution. With all these facts and figures, improper document management is a big problem.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Sydney’s Packaging is Stunning, Creative & Insane!
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Corporate Social Responsibility and Discovering the Modern Sheltered Workshop
Smart Business
Competitive Edge
So while the term sheltered workshop may be old hat, the idea behind it isn’t and the value in the model is there for business to benefit from for their triple bottom line.
Nicole Bruce is the General Manager of Hoxton Industries. She has over 14 years’ experience in product packaging and shrink wrap.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Save In More ways with Sustainable Packaging
Plant-based plastics
Monday, January 18, 2016
How Cut2Shreds can assist you to conquer archive file clutter?
Does your archive room look like this?
Well, you’re not alone. Archive rooms like this exist across all business types and sizes. They take up valuable space and resources not to mention the dreaded thought of ever having to retrieve any information from one of those boxes! What if we told you we can solve all these headaches in 3 easy steps?
Keep the important stuff
Shredding is the easiest and most responsible way to deal with business records, but before we get to that you need to ascertain what has to be kept. All businesses vary depending on type and size of the business, the industry you are in and contract obligations. To ascertain exactly what you must keep and for how long visit business.gov.au and Australian Privacy Principles . However the following obligations generally apply;
- All business records – 7 years
- All financial records – 7 years
- Employee records – 7 years or indefinitely
- Safety records - indefinitely
Store it offsite
Once you have ascertained what can be sent for shredding and what has to be kept, you are still going to have a fair amount of records to file and keep. Another great rule of thumb is to only keep 2 years of records handy and archive everything else.
So you now have your “indefinite” records and everything older than 2 years sorted and ready to be stored. Instead of taking up your business's valuable floor space you can also consider storing this offsite. Did you know that Sydney commercial rent can be upwards of $100 per m2? How many metres of floor space are your archives taking up and is that space that could be better utilised to generate income for your business? Well at Cut 2 Shreds we also over an archive storage service, which is fully secured and monitored. Contact us here to find out more.
Shred the rest
And then comes the easy part – shred the rest! At Cut2Shreds our shredding service can make short work of your archive documents no matter the volume. We will shred everything from 1 archive box all the way through to 1000’s of archive boxes. We have experience undertaking shredding services to a number of local businesses including doctors, schools, accountants and tradesman. To view the full range of our shredding services visit our website.
So there it is, as easy as 1, 2, 3 – sort it, store it, shred it. No more archive room nightmares!
To discuss your shredding needs contact us on 02 9607 6159 or visit our website for more information www.hoxtonindustries.com.au
Nicole Bruce is the General Manager of Hoxton Industries. She has over 7 years’ experience in secure document shredding.